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Product Category
AccuForce exercise band
19.19 $ 19.19 $ 19.19 CAD
Formfit neoprene knee brace
31.50 $ 31.50 $ 31.5 CAD
Patellavator knee orthosis
54.75 $ 54.75 $ 54.75 CAD
Patellar band KneedIT
29.95 $ 29.95 $ 29.95 CAD
Fastening straps
14.50 $ 14.50 $ 14.5 CAD
Rulongmeter type goniometer
7.25 $ 7.25 $ 7.25 CAD
Digital moist heat pad
121.50 $ 121.50 $ 121.5 CAD
Set of five (5) weighted bars
196.00 $ 196.00 $ 196.0 CAD
Set of three (3) weighted bars
106.75 $ 106.75 $ 106.75 CAD
11.25 $ 11.25 $ 11.25 CAD
Cover-Roll adhesive fixation bandage
13.95 $ 13.95 $ 13.950000000000001 CAD
PosturePals - Dynamic Tape pre-cut
33.86 $ 33.86 $ 33.86 CAD