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Product Category
Functional Hip with clear joint
134.00 $ 134.00 $ 134.0 CAD
Model - Hip joint with removable muscles
854.00 $ 854.00 $ 854.0 CAD
Model - Functional shoulder joint, Deluxe
322.00 $ 322.00 $ 322.0 CAD
Massenger Thumper Verve (VMTX)
149.95 $ 149.95 $ 149.95000000000002 CAD
Anatomical model - Lumbar vertebra model
102.50 $ 102.50 $ 102.5 CAD
Budget miniature skeleton Tom
304.95 $ 304.95 $ 304.95 CAD
Thumper Sport Massager - Reg.: 165,00$
125.95 $ 125.95 $ 125.95 CAD
Arnicare gel for muscle and joints pain
19.85 $ 19.85 $ 19.85 CAD
Economy scoliometer
70.50 $ 70.50 $ 70.5 CAD
50 cm (19") paper holder for G2 {↓}
69.95 $ 69.95 $ 69.95 CAD
Model - Twelve (12) part female pelvic floor
389.95 $ 389.95 $ 389.95 CAD