Clinical Assessment of Balance in Neurorehabilitation: A Theoretical Update
Online training offered
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From the moment you connect to our online training platform, you will have 30 days to view the training. The course notes will be attached to this platform under the documentation tab. You will have a quiz to complete at the end of the training in order to obtain your training certificate. This certificate will be issued automatically on the platform.
Disregard the following dates: 2024-11-01 to 2025-01-31. You can purchase and view this training at any time.
Eligible clientele
Offered to all healthcare professionals.
Fields of practice where applicable
Applicable to a clientele with neurological disorders.
This training aims to improve the therapeutic effectiveness of clinicians in assessing balance problems in individuals with neurological disorders (e.g., multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, traumatic brain injury, stroke, and Parkinson's disease).
General objectives
This course will provide a detailed review of:
The utility of four (4) balance tests that can be used in rehabilitation centers (the four tests will be the MiniBESTest, HighMAT, Ottawa Sitting Balance Scale, and the Four Square Step Test).
The goal of the course is to acquire new tools and knowledge that will help you understand the causes of balance loss in order to better plan a treatment plan.
How to manage patients with low-level balance as well as those with high-level balance who still experience difficulties.
Specific Objectives
Acquire new tools and knowledge to understand how to improve balance problems in people with neurological disorders.
More effectively plan a treatment plan based on a comprehensive assessment.
Adjust the intensity, duration, and frequency of a treatment plan.
Treat patients, whether they have a low level of balance or a high level of balance but still experience difficulties.
Language of the training
This training is offered in French.
This training provides 3.5 hours of continuing education credits.