High Ankle Sprains: Diagnosis, Management, and Return to Play

This training is offered in French only
Online training offered (asynchronous)
Disregard the following dates: 2024-11-01 to 2025-01-31. You can purchase and view this training at any time.
How do I register for this training?
First, please access your portal. Here is the procedure
Who can attend?
Physiotherapist, Physical Rehabilitation Therapist, Osteopath, Athletic Therapist, Kinesiologist, Physician, and Chiropractor
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Course Description
High ankle sprain (or syndesmotic sprain) is a more common condition than many believe. Some studies have even shown that 20% of patients initially diagnosed with a classic lateral ankle sprain actually suffer from a high ankle sprain!
To optimize recovery, and especially to avoid chronic pain and impairment, it is essential to make an accurate differential diagnosis and use appropriate treatment modalities specific to this pathology.
Using practical video demonstrations, this webinar will allow you to familiarize yourself with the high ankle sprain, learn the best clinical tests to detect it, and provide you with the necessary tools to determine the prognosis and provide optimal management. Certain elements of medical investigation (X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging, etc.) will also be discussed.
Specific objectives
Understand the anatomy of the ankle complex, its biomechanics, and the interaction of its different joints within the lower quadrant
Understand the injury mechanisms, risk factors, and prognostic factors of ankle sprains
Differentiate syndesmotic sprains from other pathological entities affecting the ankle
Make an accurate diagnosis using clinical and radiological examination
Know the therapeutic options in case of failure of conservative treatment
Language of the training
This training is offered asynchronously, in French.
This training provides 1.5 hours of continuing education credits.